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In interventional radiology department of clinical hospital № 27 (Moscow) since 2002 till 2009 TIPS was performed in 62 patients for hepatic cirrhosis with portal hypertension. One of the patients underwent orthotopic liver transplantation in Germany.
Material and methods. Mean age in the group was 5f ,6 y. o., 17 women, 45 men. Three types of stents were used: matrix stents, self-expanding and stent-grapfts. Patients were divided in 2 groups. In Group 1 (17 pts) we performed TIPS with stent-grafts (Gore Viatorr TIPS Endoprosthesis); in Group 2 (47 pts) bare metal stents were used (matrix stents Perico, Genesis, JoMed and self-expanding stents Za-stent, Zilver, Wallstent, sinus-SuperFlex Visual-Stent, SMART-control).
Results. During 18 months follow-up there were no thrombosis, significant stenosis in patients of Group 1, and primary patency rate was 100%. In Group 2 primary and secondary patency rates were 69,3% and 85,6% correspondingly. Freedom from recurr­ ent esophageal varices hemorrhage was 82,8% in Group 1 and 69,3% in Group 2, ascitis and hydrothorax regression - 93,9% and 80,0%, absence of hepatic cerebropathy progression - 93,9% and 80,0%, overall survival - 87,8% и 76,0% correspondingly.
Conclusions. Therefore use of stent-graft in TIPS procedure improve patency of intrahepatic shunt (p < 0,01), significantly reduce risk of recurrent variceal hemorrhage (0,1 < p < 0,5), and reduce volume of ascitis (0,1 < p < 0,5). It worth saying that cerebropathy progression was caused by non-compliance to diet, and was corrected with medicamental treatment. In long-term follow-up stent­ graft «Viatorr» deployment improves survival of patients (0,1 < p < 0,5). Introduction of stent-grafts marked a new stage of TIPS pro­ cedure improvement.



122 cases of gastroesophageal bleeding due to portal hypertension are analyzed in the article. It is shown that transcatheter interventions, as a part of the complex hemostasis strategy, can significantly improve the results. Keeping to algorithms and acting in accordance with protocols developed for any diagnostic procedure or intervention are declared to be crucial to success. The complex approach to profuse bleeding management, that included transcatheter procedures, decreased mortality rate from 72,2% to 22,1% and reduced rebleeding rate from 47,2% to 31,4%. 






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Purpose: to prove the safety and efficiency of minimally invasive endovascular and puncture techniques in management of splen diseases in children.

Aims: to develop standard procedures and justify the necessity of splenic artery embolization (SAE) in hemangiomas, extrahepatic portal hypertension, and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Develop standard procedures for splenic cysts treatment in pediatric practice.

Materials and methods: there were 129 children aged 3-16 years treated in Endovascular Surgery Department of Russian State Pediatric Hospital (Moscow) with the following diagnoses: hemangiomas (4 patients), hereditary hemolytic globular-cell anemia - HHGCA (41 cases), extrahepatic portal hypertension - EHPG (25 cases), ITP (24 cases), and nonparasitic cysts (35 patients).

Results: SAE is shown to be effective in treatment the diseases where splenic hyperfunctioning is seen. In HHGCA and ITP no hemolytic crises were seen, and there was no need of substitution therapy after performing the SAE procedure. In cases of EHPG splenic artery embolization is proved to reduce the esophageal varices and decrease hypersplenia symptoms. Among the advantages of endovascular approach can be named minimal operation trauma and splenic tissue preservation. The authors present an algorithm for splenic cysts treatment in pediatric practice. It was shown that laparoscopy is effective in big (over 70-80 mm) subcapsular cysts, whereas intraparenchymatous cysts fewer than 70 mm in diameter are more suitable for puncture techniques.

Conclusions: the minimally invasive techniques are shown to be safe and effective in management of splen diseases in pediatric practice. It was shown that their effectiveness is comparable to the conventional methods, meanwhile they cause much less operation trauma, reduce the hospital stay and terms of rehabilitation.



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In patients with severe multiple trauma, posttraumatic period is often complicated by the development of polyorgan insufficiency, development of which is connected with morpho-functional changes of the liver parenchyma.

Aim: was to identify dynamics of ultrasound signs of morphological and functional changes of liver in patients with multiple trauma.

Materials and methods: performed analysis of ultrasound data obtained in dynamics, in 28 patients with severe multiple trauma. From the analysis, we excluded patients with blunt abdominal trauma with injury of liver. In first 2 days, 21 patients underwent surgical operations in treatment of craniocerebral trauma and trauma of musculoskeletal system. All patients underwent ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space to exclude possibility of appearance of free liquid; also estimated condition of liver, spleen, functional and morphological condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In first days after trauma, ultrasound examination was performed 2-3 times. Color duplex scanning of vessels of liver and spleen was performed once a day or every other day for 2-3 weeks of a traumatic period. Evaluated arterial and venous blood flow of liver by measuring the linear blood flow velocity (LBFV) and resistance index (RI), portal blood flow by measurement of linear and volumetric flow rate.

Results: in all patients on admission to hospital, liver and spleen sizes had normal size. On the 3rd day after the injury, was revealed an increase in the cranio-caudal liver size by 2-4 cm and increased length of spleen by 5-8 cm, which lasts for 10-20 days. During dynamical ultrasound, 8 patients with 10-20 days against a background of increasing level of bilirubin and transaminases, in addition to increasing size of liver and spleen, we marked infiltration of tissues along hepatic veins with their narrowing and along branches of the portal vein with thickness from 0,25 to 0,7 cm. We marked LBFV decreasement by portal vein to 10-13 cm/sec and a volume flow to 250-400 ml / min, increased RI by hepatic artery In 3 patients in the liver parenchyma, we revealed avascular tissue regions with decreased echogenicity, indicating the formation of ischemic regions.

Conclusion: during dynamical ultrasound in patients with severe multiple trauma, on day 3 after injury, were diagnosed morphological changes in liver parenchyma with violation of its hemodynamics. Further progression of the process observed for 10-20 days from the date of trauma: the growth of intrahepatic portal hypertension, increased peripheral resistance in arteries of liver parenchyma, the appearance of ischemic areas of liver parenchyma. The totality of above ultrasonic signs of hemodynamic disorders of liver, characterize organic hepatocellular insufficiency, which is a poor prognostic sign in the development of polyorgan insufficiency.



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